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Scrape Instagram Followers
Update Time Mar 29, 2024 02:23:29
Get followers from Instagram users and export them as CSV
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Open the Instagram page, get the user who follows the list, and export the data, the data includes: the follower name
Please note that you need to keep your account log in to Instagram, and enter the username and file storage path of the target account in the process

How to use and start

  1. Open the market and find the workflow you need
  2. Click "Add Workflow" to the workflow list, and then click the "Run" button to enter the editing page to confirm the dynamic configuration item in the process
  3. On the editing page, click "Start" to start the RPA process and start executing
  4. At the same time, on the "Working Process" page, click "Creation Plan" to create a regular task or one -time task
  5. For workflows that export and store data, go to the "Save to Excel" node in the process and change the file path to ensure it works correctly.