A traditional browser with a GUI typically consumes a large amount of system resources as the workload expands. In addition, it requires a visible window to render web pages, which slows down test execution and limits scalability.
A headlesschrome is a tool that can smoothly crawl dynamic content without the need for a real browser.
It can resolve the problem of resource-intensive testing, and then allow for more efficient test execution and improved scalability.
So how to run a headless browser in Python and Selenium?
Start reading this article now!
Our browser is a computer program that allows users to browse and interact with web pages. On the other hand, the headless browser has no graphical user interface. So what can it do? Is it very different? Yes! This feature helps a Python headlesschrome:
Oh, wait! You may have a question about how we can interact with Headlesschrome. There is no GUI at all!
Never mind, dear. Let me show you the Web Driver.
Another question - what's that? The web drive is a framework. It allows us to control various web browsers through programming.
Is there a typical one? Yes, we must all be familiar with Selenium. We use it often but do you know it also is an important headless browser?
Nstrowser can highly simulate human behavior to bypass anti-bot and unblock websites!
Try It for Free Now!
Do you have any wonderful ideas and doubts about web scraping and Browserless?
Let's see what other developers are sharing on Discord and Telegram!
How powerful Selenium is! So, how many headless browsers it supports? Let's finger 6 of them out now! They are controlled and manipulated primarily through WebDriver.
Python Selenium headlesschrome is not the only headless browser!
Let's see other alternatives. Some of them offer only one programming language, and others can offer bindings to multiple languages.
Puppeteer is a Node.js library developed by Google. It provides a high-level API for controlling a headless Chrome or Chromium browser. Puppeteer offers powerful features for automating browser tasks, generating screenshots and PDFs, and executing JavaScript code within web pages.
Playwright is another web automation tool developed by Microsoft contributors. It is essentially also a Node.js library for browser automation, but it provides APIs for other languages such as Python, .NET, and Java. It is relatively fast compared to Python Selenium.
Nstbrowser is a completely free anti-detect browser. It enables cloud web scraping in headless mode, totally free from local resource constraints. Easily implement web crawling and automation processes.
The following shows how to use Nstbrowserless, use the Nstbrowser anti-detect browser in the docker container and set Headless mode to crawl web data, specifically to crawl Tiktok home page Explore page user avatars as an example:
Step 1. Page analysis
Then, you can find that the element is an a
link element tag with attribute data-e2e="nav-explore"
After clicking on the Explore element, we find that the page does not have the user's avatar and we can only get the user's nickname.
Why is that?
That's because we need to click on the nickname to enter the user's home page before we can get the user's avatar.
So, we have to enter the home page of each user, and then find the element with attribute data-e2e="explore-item-list"
, which is the dynamic list of users:
Now, we need to finish some further analysis.
In the div element under the list, there is an element with the attribute data-e2e="explore-card-desc"
, which contains an a tag with the attribute data-e2e="explore-card-user-link"
The href attribute value of the a tag is the user's id. Adding the TikTok domain name prefix is the user's homepage.
Let's go to the user's homepage and continue the analysis:
Then we can find a div[data-e2e="user-avatar"]
with the attribute of div[data-e2e="user-page"]
, where the user avatar is the src attribute value of the span img element below it.
Next, it's time to use Nstbrowserless to get the data we want.
Step 2. Before using Nstbrowserless, you must install and run Docker in advance.
# pull image
docker pull nstbrowser/browserless:0.0.1-beta
# run nstbrowserless
docker run -it -e TOKEN=xxx -e SERVER_PORT=8848 -p 8848:8848 --name nstbrowserless nstbrowser/browserless:0.0.1-beta
Step 3. Coding (Python-Playwright) and set the Headless mode.
import json
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
async def main():
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
config = {
"once": True,
"headless": True, # set headless mode
"autoClose": True,
"args": {"--disable-gpu": "", "--no-sandbox": ""}, # browser args should be a dictionary
"fingerprint": {
"name": 'tiktok_scraper',
"platform": 'windows', # support: windows, mac, linux
"kernel": 'chromium', # only support: chromium
"kernelMilestone": '120',
"hardwareConcurrency": 8, # support: 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
"deviceMemory": 8, # support: 2, 4, 8
query = {'config': json.dumps(config)}
profileUrl = f"ws://{urlencode(query)}"
print("Profile URL: ", profileUrl)
browser = await playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp(endpoint_url=profileUrl)
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto("chrome://version")
await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle')
await page.screenshot(path="chrome_version.png")
await browser.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
Run the above code and then you can get the following information in chrome://versionpage
The --headless
parameter in the kernel startup command indicates that the kernel is running in headless mode.
Data crawling code:
import json
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
async def scrape_user_profile(browser, user_home_page):
# goto user homepage and scrape user avatar
user_page = await browser.new_page()
await user_page.goto(user_home_page)
await user_page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle')
user_avatar_element = await user_page.query_selector(
'div[data-e2e="user-page"] div[data-e2e="user-avatar"] span img')
if user_avatar_element:
user_avatar = await user_avatar_element.get_attribute('src')
if user_avatar:
await user_page.close()
async def main():
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
config = {
"once": True,
"headless": True, # support: true or false
"autoClose": True,
"args": {"--disable-gpu": "", "--no-sandbox": ""}, # browser args should be a dictionary
"fingerprint": {
"name": 'tiktok_scraper',
"platform": 'windows', # support: windows, mac, linux
"kernel": 'chromium', # only support: chromium
"kernelMilestone": '120',
"hardwareConcurrency": 8, # support: 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
"deviceMemory": 8, # support: 2, 4, 8
"proxy": "", # set a proper proxy if you can't explore TikTok website
query = {
'config': json.dumps(config)
profile_url = f"ws://{urlencode(query)}"
browser = await playwright.chromium.connect_over_cdp(endpoint_url=profile_url)
tiktok_url = "https://www.tiktok.com"
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto(tiktok_url)
await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle')
explore_elem = await page.query_selector('[data-e2e="nav-explore"]')
if explore_elem:
await explore_elem.click()
ul_element = await page.query_selector('[data-e2e="explore-item-list"]')
if ul_element:
li_elements = await ul_element.query_selector_all('div')
tasks = []
for li in li_elements:
# find user homepage url links
a_element = await li.query_selector('[data-e2e="explore-card-desc"]')
if a_element:
user_link = await li.query_selector('a[data-e2e="explore-card-user-link"]')
if user_link:
href = await user_link.get_attribute('href')
if href:
tasks.append(scrape_user_profile(browser, tiktok_url + href))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
await browser.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
Run the program:
So far, we have completed scraping the user avatar data on the Explore page of the TikTok homepage using Python-Playwright through Nstbrowserless.
Headless browsers have powerful functions and convenient methods of use. They can easily and quickly complete web scraping and automation.
In this article, we learned: