Collect public data at scale with industry-leading web scraping solutions and the world’s largest ethical proxy network.
Scale your business with the world's best value proxies, easily set up and use 200M+ residential proxies, connect to country or city level locations around the world. Enables you to efficiently collect public data.
200M+ IP:Powerful Residential proxies to Solve Your Problems
200+ city:Our huge urban proxy pool can also quickly meet your needs
Our static residential proxies offer an average uptime of 95%. They are one of the most stable and reliable proxies on the market, so rest assured that your scraping tasks will be completed quickly. Also, our static residential proxy supports HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols.
Our Success Team and Dedicated Account Managers are ready to help clients
24/7 live support:No matter what time zone you are in, our help is with you
Satisfaction 5.0:Our users are more than willing to contact support again
Start a new browser profile in Nstbrowser by clicking the "Create Profile" button, which will lead you to the profile creation settings.
ProxyShare offers 3 proxy options: Rotating Residential Proxies, Unlimited Residential Proxies, and Static Residential Proxies. Select your preferred type of proxies and configure its settings on the ProxyShare dashboard.
Here is an example of Dynamic Rotating Residential Proxies - Account Secret Extraction, click Get Proxies - Account Secret Extraction - Dynamic Residential Proxies, and then Select Country /State/City/Proxy Address/Session/Time/Sub Users in order.
Click Generate to get detailed proxy information
Navigate to the "Proxies" tab in Nstbrowser and select "Custom" under Proxy Settings. Here you select the HTTP protocol and then test it, fill in the proxy details in ProxyShare in turn, click Test, and then click Create Profile when it is successful.
To activate your newly created profile, press the "Play" button and you can start browsing anonymously and securely.